About XYZ Postcode Areas Map (EH)
Postcode Areas are the first two letters of a Postcode (EH). There are 120 in Great Britain, plus 1 each for Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, Guernsey & Jersey.
In most areas our Boundaries are Xtreme Accuracy™ finely detailed and created by following real physical features from Air Photography.
Use Postcode Areas to get an overview of the postcode system, to allocate sales territories, etc. These maps use the December 2018 release of our postcode boundaries data (also available for GIS users). If you would like to see the off-the-shelf ranges of Postcode Maps then please go here.
The Postcode Areas are shown in red on top of the appropriate map background, depending on the zoom levels. As a geographical area grows larger or smaller, the level of detail on the printed map will change between, OS Streetview (1:10 000), OS Explorer Maps (1:25 000), OS LandRanger Maps (1:50 000) and OS Road Atlas Maps (1:200 000).
Please use the Map Preview button to see what your map will actually look like once you have chosen the correct Postcode Area or Geographical Area for your Custom map.
Digital PDFs will be delivered by e-mailed download link within one working day and are licensed for personal, educational or internal business use only. You may not sell, lend, rent etc the PDF to Third Parties without our permission in writing.
If you would like a frame for your map then have a look at www.red17.co.uk.